Use "received an inheritance|receive an inheritance" in a sentence

1. While all sons received an inheritance, the firstborn received the principal inheritance.

2. You receive a tax refund , a bonus or raise , perhaps an inheritance .

3. “Wisdom Along With an Inheritance”

4. Joe and his wife, Rose, outlived JFK, who thus did not receive an inheritance.

5. We receive our inheritance in discrete particles.

6. 1.7 Adiation AND REPUDIATION OF AN INHERITANCE Adiation is the acceptance of an inheritance, whereas repudiation is the rejection thereof

7. Abraham’s offspring received the promise of a precious inheritance

8. If you recently received a lump sum of money through an inheritance or any other reason, congratulations

9. She left him an inheritance of £100 000.

10. The inheritance tax is an antiquated category of taxes.

11. Tibetan tribal laws comprise "identity inheritance" and "property inheritance.

12. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn,

13. Coercions form an inheritance graph with classes as nodes

14. The Bible calls such little ones “an inheritance from Jehovah.”

15. We all have a life-threatening condition —an inheritance of sin.

16. Along with inheritance, Abstraction is an important concept in object-oriented programming

17. And an invaluable inheritance from lead miner, linen weaver and gentleman scientist.

18. Inheritance of traits for humans are based upon Gregor Mendel's model of inheritance.

19. I profaned my inheritance,+

20. Destroying my whole inheritance?

21. As your allotted inheritance.’

22. Autosomes show the Mendelian inheritance while sex chromosomes show Non-Mendelian inheritance

23. Hereditary neurocutaneous Angiomata (403775003); Hereditary neurocutaneous vascular malformations (403775003) Modes of inheritance: Autosomal dominant inheritance

24. A site in Naphtali’s inheritance.

25. Does not levy inheritance tax.

26. He dissipated his large inheritance.

27. Aditio definition is - the informal acceptance by an outsider of heirship; broadly : the vesting of the inheritance in an heir to a testate or intestate estate or the entering into the inheritance.

28. (“Our Children —A Precious Inheritance”)

29. Inheritance by agnatic relationship

30. That's our cultural inheritance.

31. The psalmist so well expressed our feelings: “Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah.”

32. Some Who Despised the Inheritance

33. The one who received the Birthright was honored with a double share of his father’s inheritance

34. * The Saints shall receive their inheritance and be made equal with him, D&C 88:107.

35. Each individual among the returned exiles would have an inheritance in the restored Promised Land.

36. The riveting tale of suspense and mystery revolving around an inheritance and the pottery industry.

37. When they are anointed with God’s spirit and adopted as his spiritual sons, they receive an advance token —a seal, or pledge— of their heavenly inheritance.

38. He quickly wantoned away his inheritance.

39. The Duke signed away his inheritance.

40. Just need the family records book, an absolute necessity for their French filiation and inheritance.

41. Then the Israelites gave Joshua the son of Nun an inheritance in their midst.

42. The Plan of Redemption and Possibility of an Inheritance in the Kingdom of God

43. Nielsen gambled his inheritance away.

44. How can we safeguard our inheritance?

45. Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance.

46. Our genetic inheritance cannot be changed.

47. Archduchess will receive the family inheritance of a reported 2.5 billion dollars on her twenty-fifth birthday (2016)

48. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth.

49. Proverbs 13:22 says: “One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons.”

50. In ancient Israel, a literal firstborn son received two parts of his father’s inheritance, whereas the other sons each received one part.

51. So those agreements we get in inheritance.

52. Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.

53. She came into her inheritance at eighteen.

54. You made my inheritance something detestable.

55. Jealous relatives tried to challenge her inheritance.

56. 3 The Duke signed away his inheritance.

57. An Anglo-Israelite writes: “Every Briton is born to a great inheritance, and therefore a great responsibility.”

58. The inheritance kept them afloat for years.

59. And Israel is the staff of his inheritance.

60. “An inheritance obtained first by greed will not be a blessing in the end.” —Proverbs 20:21

61. Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust.

62. The inheritance that God has decreed for him.”

63. She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.

64. She spent all her inheritance in a year.

65. Who was Esau, and what inheritance awaited him?

66. The system involved inheritance by the eldest son.

67. We have income tax, inheritance tax, and others.

68. 2 words related to Borough english: inheritance, heritage

69. Declared righteous under the new covenant, they received holy spirit as “a token in advance” of their royal inheritance.

70. Our educational institutions are an inheritance of Absolutism and they must be given more freedom for self-determination.

71. On the contrary, persons with infantile optic atrophy with dominant mode of inheritance have an acquired trito defect.

72. You know, getting Danny out in the open air, seeing how much of an inheritance this really is.

73. Lately, one of my daughters (let’s call her Jill) has been Chiding me for frivolously spending her inheritance and her siblings’ inheritance

74. Inheritance works from companies to orders to line items.

75. The inheritance was divided equally among all the sons.

76. A fifth kind of tax is the inheritance tax.

77. In 2009, the mode of inheritance of the throne was once more changed, this time into an absolute primogeniture.

78. It was part of your inheritance, wasn't it, brother?

79. And they come about through inheritance, acquisition or invention.

80. She tried to do me out of my inheritance.